Thursday, January 27, 2011

Managing Hair

How In the WORLD do you manage that hair??

Hey people!!

I know it's been a while since i've posted anything, but school started and I got kinda busy. Anyway, this blog is for those who are considering natural hair and those who are already natural, and have the burning question of "how in the world do you manage that hair??"

So far for me, I've gotten a lot of comments like "your hair is cute, I wish i could do it" or "I want to wear my hair natural, but it's just too much work". From my experiences, dealing with my hair was a struggle only in the beginning when i knew nothing about it. It's not too much! God made it that way, and he makes no mistakes. I look at it this way: Going from relaxed to natural is like getting a new phone. At first you have no idea how to navigate it. Or you may be transitioning from buttons to touch screen. It's the same thing! You have different texture on your head that you've never had to deal with before. 

It's a process, and once I figured out the following things, managing my hair went from challenging to fun...

1. Find products that keep your hair moisturized. Find what your hair "likes"
This was the hardest part for me. Many people go through quite a few products and end up spending lots of $$$ before they actually figure out what their hair "likes" :o) or what keeps their hair feeling good. It's good to look up product reviews before you buy, but sometimes trying it out is the only way to know. Everyone's hair is different.

2. Find a few styles that work for you
I have my main styles that i wear, but when i have time I try other styles. My main styles are the styles I know I can always fall back on and I know they will work. Mastering a few styles made me feel comfortable with my hair. As my hair got longer I able to do more things. Shucksss.. I just tried styles I saw other people doing! Some styles worked, some didn't. 

3. Make a hair regimen
This is a routine that you do daily or weekly. After you figure out what your hair likes, you can have a routine and use the products to keep your hair feeling good. =O)

4. Figure out your hair type
This is important because while you are researching styles and products, it can be most helpful to get suggestions from people with hair similar to yours. They actually have a scale for categorizing hair textures. The scale has numbers and letters. 1-4 and a-c. The numbers may go past 4 but i'm not 100% sure. Anywhooo, 1 is the straightest hair type (that's not black hair obviously) but as the numbers increase, the more curly or "kinky" it becomes. I categorize my hair as a 4b-4c. (I have a few different textures)

Here's a video that gives a better visual. Take a lOOk:

One of my most valuable products is the one i made myself. It's a spray bottle full of goodies and it's apart of my regimen. I will have a separate blog on that. In the end, for me all natural products work the BESTEST! =D I know that's not a word, but damnit it's my blog :-p

Anyway, just an update on my hair...I still have my weave in, but i'm taking it out tomorrow which will make it a month. o_0 My hair is super dry :o( Hot oil treatment and deep conditioner coming right up!

Pics will be posted when I take take it out.

LaTEr PeOple!!

~Miss Sizzle


  1. Took me 6months figure out what worked well...But Im still learning...its been 4yrs

  2. That is true!everyone is different, i know i definitely have a long way to go!
